Go directly to "Create a Free Account" page. Alternatively, you can first go to Bikeflights.com, then click on the "log in" icon and wording in the upper right hand corner.

Enter your details, and check the box stating that “I acknowledge and agree to Bikeflights' Terms of ServicePrivacy Policy and Shipping Policy.” 

Once you’ve created your account, check your email for instructions on how to confirm your account. Click the provided link, then log in to complete your account confirmation. Now you are ready to place an order. If you are having issues creating an account, it may be because you already have an account under that email address. If you’ve forgotten your password, please see “How Do I Reset My Password?” To save box, payment or address information, please see the following articles: How Do I Save A Box Or Case To My Account? How Do I Save A Payment Method To My Account? How Do I Save An Address To My Account?